{reallife} Remember. And Say Thanks.
we don't even think about last year very often
but to think about two hundred+ years ago?
women left to run the farm
and tend to the children
and flee when enemy soldiers came too close
boys old enough to fight
young enough to cry
man enough to save a friend
homes destroyed
families separated
a country in turmoil
and now, the sun shines on flowers and babies
we have peace and love and happiness
an abundance of food and friends
families together
and we stop for a moment
whisper thanks
and remember
growing up in Canada I didn't learn much about the revolutionary war or the challenges of obtaining freedom,
but I have since read many of Ann Rinaldi's books and gained a wealth of knowledge and a better understanding
I ordered this book {on sale today!} to read on the plane if I'm not asleep
We spent a bit of time this weekend at the nearby fort and played on the cannons. And tried to get some family photos.
Then Tim participated in a triathlon -- swimming in our little lake and biking and running with the best of 'em. We watched and cheered with friends. Their daddy was in the race too. Go daddies!
I've got a bunch of scheduled posts coming down the shoot over the next couple weeks. I think you'll love them. I'll keep posting in real time on Twitter and maybe a bit on Facebook, but I've got to transfer my attention over to packing and loving on my kids before I take off for just over a week. Stick around. It's gonna be real good. ;)
And don't forget how blessed you are. Thank God for our freedom today.