{roadtrip} Oregon Coast | Part One

warning: this post is photo heavy. in fact, it's the heaviest post I've ever posted. 
it might go over some sort of limit. it might take forever to load. 
it might break all the rules of blogging. it might make you crazy. 
or you might really really like it.

and if you're crazy like that, you are probably already checking my facebook page 
every hour or two for updates and cool shots like this one, taken at Depoe Bay.

photo lovers -- indulge yourselves

high points
screaming into the powerful ocean's spray, all giddy // pretending to eat driftwood hot dogs // watching the boys wrestle in the sand // finding the lost coat, saved for us at the restaurant // listening to Ezra's sweet voice saying "I'm happy!! Peter's happy!!" // cubes of delicious fried tofu // happy fortunes // weather, always surprising us // hot showers // Ezra's teasing gate pose, arms spread wide // driftwood glue guns // yawning sea lions // sticky finger-grabbing anemones // searching for motion sensors at the visitor center -- maybe if I move this way...how about waving arms over there

More adventures to come, stay tuned. :)