{reallife} playing with light
I just finished writing out our learning goals for this week in which we continue reading Winnie the Pooh and The Jesus Storybook Bible, learn all about the atmosphere, make a paper mache globe, slap the Spanish words for chair and table around the house, and {I'm excited} listen to "The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra".
Kindergarten is fun. I think he's liking it too. :)
I got my camera out the other evening. The sun was low in the sky, they were playing with play dough and legos outside on the driveway, it was picturesque. I am not confident shooting with back light, but I think some of these turned out pretty well. See the gloop we made? Ezra wasn't sure it was that fun to play with. Silly guy. Maybe I should have colored it brown. He seems fine touching other brown messy things....
Keep your eyes open for new about the Help One Now trip going to Haiti {today I think}. They have a fantastic team of bloggers and media people. I can't wait to hear and see what they all experience and what amazing things God is doing in Haiti. It's a country that needs resources and empowerment.
I like what Chris Marlow says in this article,
For now, birthday party in the park. And later, getting lost in the corn maze.
What fall fun do you have planned for this week? How have you decided to best help the helpless?
Kindergarten is fun. I think he's liking it too. :)
I got my camera out the other evening. The sun was low in the sky, they were playing with play dough and legos outside on the driveway, it was picturesque. I am not confident shooting with back light, but I think some of these turned out pretty well. See the gloop we made? Ezra wasn't sure it was that fun to play with. Silly guy. Maybe I should have colored it brown. He seems fine touching other brown messy things....
I like what Chris Marlow says in this article,
"Haiti cannot afford to solely depend on missionaries and NGO’s. We can partner together, serve one another, and improve Haiti, but if any change is going to last through the generations to come – Haiti will need to be led by Haitians." Chris Marlow, CEO and Founder of Help One NowIt's always hard for me to live a normal, blessed life complete with fancy school lunches and fun educational experiences and still keep thinking about orphans without clean water, school, or PARENTS. Hard to think about. I find myself either wanting to go solve all the problems myself or cynically erasing all images from my mind. Neither is the right path to take, I know. I'm still searching for the best way to help.
For now, birthday party in the park. And later, getting lost in the corn maze.
What fall fun do you have planned for this week? How have you decided to best help the helpless?