potty talk
It's time to get real, folks. I've been sharing quilts and insights and soups and DIYs and it's time to tell you what real life is like around here.
First, the bathroom often STINKS. Peter was taught at an early age to sit down while he pees and we just didn't have many messes in there until Ezra started potty training. He's a stand-up-to-pee kinda guy. And he's not too picky about where he pees. It's not so fun. I walk by their [the guest] bathroom and shudder. Sometimes, the toilet and floor get washed daily. Sometimes I just let it be a boy zone for awhile.
We totally ran out of toilet paper this morning. Didn't see that coming... I was wiping Ezra's bum and told him -- "this is the last piece of toilet paper!! you can't poop any more until we buy more!" Nice.
My blogger friend Mandy writes about her picky eater and how some battles just aren't worth fighting. Boy, do I empathize! Some days I just ask them what they want and give them their requested diet of yogurt, applesauce on toast, and pita/hummus and save the yummy curry or soup for mommy and daddy. I'm thankful they'll eat mostly healthy options {if not a great variety} and I'm sure their tastes will expand with age.
#reallife #pilesoflego #pilesofbookstoreadagain

#mathstruggles #heissosmart #hegetsboredeasily #thenhedrawshisnumbersfunny


#hisfavoritebook #hehasalongwishlist



First, the bathroom often STINKS. Peter was taught at an early age to sit down while he pees and we just didn't have many messes in there until Ezra started potty training. He's a stand-up-to-pee kinda guy. And he's not too picky about where he pees. It's not so fun. I walk by their [the guest] bathroom and shudder. Sometimes, the toilet and floor get washed daily. Sometimes I just let it be a boy zone for awhile.
We totally ran out of toilet paper this morning. Didn't see that coming... I was wiping Ezra's bum and told him -- "this is the last piece of toilet paper!! you can't poop any more until we buy more!" Nice.
My blogger friend Mandy writes about her picky eater and how some battles just aren't worth fighting. Boy, do I empathize! Some days I just ask them what they want and give them their requested diet of yogurt, applesauce on toast, and pita/hummus and save the yummy curry or soup for mommy and daddy. I'm thankful they'll eat mostly healthy options {if not a great variety} and I'm sure their tastes will expand with age.
#reallife #pilesoflego #pilesofbookstoreadagain

#mathstruggles #heissosmart #hegetsboredeasily #thenhedrawshisnumbersfunny


#hisfavoritebook #hehasalongwishlist



Buzz has been talking about himself like this lately -- "Ezra is really good at this" or "Ezra needs his blanket" or "don't take Ezra's legos!!!"
He has also been caught saying "I don't like girls" and "Peter, you are a genius". And the other day he listened to my hiccups and said "you must have been in the boat too long".
Pete has been completely obsessed with his new Lego motor and battery that he bought with his saved-up allowance money. He has made many many different things that...well, he really should be the one to tell you. He's been taking video and explaining how each creation works and then asks me to upload ALL his movies to Youtube. Yeah.

pet ladybugs that {according to Buzz} are cuddling together
listening to Power of the Cross
puffiest white clouds in the bluest sky
long solo bike rides in the country
high fives for the college mascot
knock knock joke parties
crossing really big things off my list, finally
early morning walks by myself
patient husbands who listen well
brilliant insights from books
my brave boy taking his first bus ride