right now
today was the kind of day where i woke up with energy and readiness to get some things done around here. it took three recipes, five loads of laundry {including sheets from both boy's beds. seriously. when is this going to end.}, bmx racing with buzz, lawn mowing and edging, car washing and vacuuming, [gentle] garage organizing and sweeping, and a few other sundry tasks before i realized maybe that was a bit much and collapsed into my rocker with some ice cream. i confess. i work in crazy unrealistic spurts. now for a long period of laziness.
actually it was the smashed banana in the bottom of pete's backpack that sent me over the edge. ewwww.

linking up with lowercase letters
actually it was the smashed banana in the bottom of pete's backpack that sent me over the edge. ewwww.

another confession: i don't really like squeezing lemons and often end up using store-bought lemon juice in recipes,
even though i'm sure the real thing would taste better.
food in the house: i made hummus and enchiladas and chick pea curry. yes, all in one day. yes, this is silly.
especially since i just filled my tummy with ice cream.
enjoying: the smell of fresh cut grass, listening to an interesting podcast,
the glimpse of a little hummingbird coming to our feeder
anticipating: an overnight trip to a bigger and cleaner lake, pete's first piano lesson
{is it wrong that i might be looking forward to it more than he is?} #livingvicariously #minime
tired of: sneezing {there is something in the air around here}.
i sneezed so many times this afternoon i made the neighbors laugh. at least i think that is why they were laughing...
reading: barefoot church by brandon hatmaker.
one night at church the people were told that there was a huge need for shoes, so they all left barefoot.
laughing at: buzz yelling "all day and all night and all day and all night and all day..."
{not sure what this is in reference to, but I'm sure it's a mighty threat}
listening to: these oh so talented girls that make me wish i had a sister to harmonize with
linking up with lowercase letters