New Life Springs Up

Spring has been more glorious this year than ever before. I'm noticing the beauty, seeing what's always been there with fresh eyes. My life stage feels like spring too -- new opportunities, new joys, renewed loves. I'm so very thankful.
This morning is when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of new and eternal life for all who believe. We sang the Hallelujah Chorus together and read the account of the women finding the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. The children are still young and certainly don't understand it all, but we can still praise God and show them how thankful we are for the gift of salvation. This video about the meaning of Easter by Phil Vischer is simple and meaningful.
"But Christ has truly been raised from the dead—the first one and proof that those who sleep in death will also be raised." 1 Corinthians 15:20