Idealism + February Goals
We're already half-way through this month and I'm not sure it's even worth listing my monthly goals this time around! I've had a hard time completing goals from previous months. I think it's because I tend to be too ambitious -- getting excited about the possibilities and thinking of all the things we could do. Then reality hits and I end up disappointed with myself. It's the realist and idealist fighting inside me.
So I'll try to be more realistic with this month's goals -- listing things I know will happen and a couple wished-for things.

February Goals:
{last month's goals which were pretty ambitious}
For the blog:
+ an Etsy round-up showcasing yellow and gray
+ a spring food inspiration post
+ better photos for the baked oatmeal recipe
+ post about our favorite apple muffins
For the family:
+ go mountain biking at the lake
+ participate in the popsicle stick bridge contest
+ get into a worship time habit
+ read The Tale of Despereaux
For me personally:
+ add more running miles each week
+ read Mere Christianity and Every Bitter Thing is Sweet
+ get a haircut
+ play my mandolin with songs online
Do you set goals that are too extravagant and out of reach? What wins in your life? Realism or idealism?
So I'll try to be more realistic with this month's goals -- listing things I know will happen and a couple wished-for things.

February Goals:
{last month's goals which were pretty ambitious}
For the blog:
+ an Etsy round-up showcasing yellow and gray
+ a spring food inspiration post
+ better photos for the baked oatmeal recipe
+ post about our favorite apple muffins
For the family:
+ go mountain biking at the lake
+ participate in the popsicle stick bridge contest
+ get into a worship time habit
+ read The Tale of Despereaux
For me personally:
+ add more running miles each week
+ read Mere Christianity and Every Bitter Thing is Sweet
+ get a haircut
+ play my mandolin with songs online
Do you set goals that are too extravagant and out of reach? What wins in your life? Realism or idealism?