Water Bottle Rockets | Weekending
We're mentoring some college freshman this year and had them over for pizza and salad and some water bottle rocket launching. It was a blast! Course, Buzz is dancing around, pretending to be a target, and fetching rockets with his speedy legs. He could do this every day, but we wouldn't want to lose the novelty!

Weekend Sharing:
Learning to Be Adventurous + Boulder Cave
Another family enjoying an adventure -- we want to go here soon!
15 Awesome Building Sets for Kids
For sure, a very complete and spectacular list! We can personally vouch for Snap Electronics and the marble run!
Deconstructed Apple Pie Dip
Not a bad idea!! Add in a bowl of whipped cream, and you got me...
Eating | Homemade vegeburgers
Enjoying | A cleaner house, after re-organizing and tidying up
Listening | Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper
Thankful for | The incredible weather this time of year and the warm duvet now installed on my bed
Pinning | These exercises for flappy arms
Planning | Packing up the tents and warm sleeping bags for what will probably be the last camping trip of the year
Putting off | My research class prospectus... #justwannahavefun